Election Songs

Tyler and Tippecanoe (1840)

Van Buren (1840)

Clay and Frelinghuysen (1844)

The Union Wagon (1856)

Old Abe Lincoln Came Out of the Wilderness (1860)

McClellan and Union (1864)

Rally Round the Cause Boys (1864)

A Smoking His Cigar (1868)

In a Few Days (1876)

Mary Blaine (1884)

His Grandfather s Hat (1888)

Hooray For Bill McKinley (1900)

Roosevelt the Cry (1904)

Get on the Raft with Taft (1912)

Wilson That s All (1912)

Keep Cool and Keep Coolidge (1924)

If He's Good Enough for Lindy (1928)

Row Row Row With Roosevelt (1932)

I Like Ike (1952)

Walking Down To Washington (1960)